2. Map of Dartmouth College ca. 1919 (Tucker, 310).

Open buildings indicate existing construction previous to 1893
Solid buildings indicate construction between 1893 and 1909
Shaded buildings indicate construction since 1909

The following table accompanies the map (the date given for no. 10 refers to the building's wooden predecessor, the first Moor Hall; the Chandler Building was built in 1835):

(With dates of construction and additions)
1. Dartmouth Hall, 1791. Rebuilt, 1905.15. Nathan Smith Laboratory, 1908.28. Sanborn Dormitory, 1895. Moved, 1913.
2.Wentworth Hall, 1898. Reconstructed, 1912.16. Shattuck Observatory, 1854.29.Robinson Student Building, 1914.
3.Thornton Dormitory, 1828. Reconstructed, 1912.17.Bartlett Tower, 1885-95.30.College Hall, 1901.
4. North Fayerweather Dormitory, 1907.18.Butterfield Museum, 1896.31.The Hanover Inn. Reconstructed, 1902.
5.Fayerweather Dormitory, 1900.19.The "College" Church, 1796, 1877, 1889.32.Thayer School of Engineering, 1866. Reconstructed, 1911.
6. South Fayerweather Dormitory, 1906. Rebuilt, 1910.20.Webster Auditorium, 1907.33.Wilson Library, 1885.
7.Reed Dormitory, 1838.21.Crosby Dormitory, 1896.34.New Hampshire Dormitory, 1908.
8.Bartlett Hall, 1890.22.Hitchcock Dormitory, 1913.35.Hallgarten Dormitory.
9.Culver Laboratory, 1870.23.Hubbard Dormitory, 1906. Moved, 1910.36.Isolation Hospital.
10.Rollins Chapel, 1885, 1908, 1912.24.Chandler Mathematics Building, 1791. Addition, 1898.37.Heating Plant, 1898. Electric Plant, 1905.
11.Richardson Dormitory, 1898.25.Massachusetts Dormitories, 1907, 1912.38.Store house and Shops, 1916.
12.Wheeler Dormitory, 1905.26.Parkhurst Administration Building, 1910.39.Alumni Gymnasium, 1910.
13.Wilder Laboratory, 1899.27.Tuck School of Administration, 1904.40.Allumni Athletic Field, 1893.
14.Medical Building, about 1810, 1873, 1894.


Charles Alonzo Rich Builds the New Dartmouth, 1893-1914