The catalog from the 2011 DADA Exhibition is now available (pdf) and provides some fascinating information about alumni in design.
For example, Domus, the Hanover firm that worked on the new Sigma Phi Epsilon house, includes Marty Davis ’69, Bruce R. Williamson ’74, and Bill Keegan ’75.
Canaan architectural blacksmith Dimitri Gerakaris ’69 ( created the copper pediment atop the Rockefeller Center porte-cochere, the Rugby Clubhouse interior bas-relief, and the railing outside Baker’s 1902 Room.
The poster was designed by Emily Yen ’10 of Hanover and Anchorage.

Thanks to author Sue Reed and to DADA for permission to post the catalog.
[Update 11.17.2012: Broken link to catalog fixed.]
[Update 11.04.2012: Domus reference corrected: the firm worked on the Sigma Phi Epsilon house, but I believe a Vermont architect designed it.]