The website for the current strategic planning process uses the 2019 Quartomillenium as an endpoint, with its motto “Imagine the Next 250.”
The Bicentennial year of 1969-1970 gives an example of what the Quartomillenium could be. There were three big events according to Charles Widmeyer in John Sloan Dickey: A Chronicle of His Presidency of Dartmouth College (1991), 250, 271. Those events were:
- The Bicentennial Commencement in the summer of 1969.
- Dartmouth Day (i.e. Charter Day), December 13, 1969. This was the focal point of the year, and it involved a fireworks display, a parade around the Green, and a proclamation by the Governor in front of the Hop (the Bicentennial plaque is in the Zahm Garden).
- The Third Century Convocation in the Fall of 1970.
The notable commemorative objects produced for the Bicentennial included:
- A USPS stamp designed by John Scotford, technically in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Dartmouth College Case, since USPS does not recognize individual schools or their anniversaries.
- A new college flag with its stylized pine symbol designed by Scotford.
- A medal designed by Rudolph Ruzicka and struck by the U.S. Mint at Philadelphia, requiring an act of Congress:

The Quartomillenium could include these events:
- A commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Dartmouth College Case.
- A visit by the 10th Earl of Dartmouth.
- The receipt from the College of Arms of letters patent granting to Dartmouth an honorary coat of arms along these lines:

Now that’s one fine coat of arms!