Correct me in the comments if I’m wrong, but after Dartmouth demolished Kiewit, it gave Computing Services an office in Baker Library, outside the Tower Room:

In 2011, however, the college apparently gave that space to the undergraduate deans and shunted Computing Services to the first floor of Berry.
Now the deans have joined Computing Services in the first floor of Berry (The Dartmouth, see floorplan pdf), and the Computer Store has been displaced to the basement of McNutt (Dartbeat).
Thanks for the information, Geoff. I meant to tell you that I found a little bit more on the bypass idea in the 2002 campus master plan and updated the relevant post.
Yes, the store has gone back to the future and returned to McNutt which is where it was back in the 80s and early 90s.
Meanwhile many computing services staff who were located in Berry and at 37 Dewey Field Road have relocated to 4 Currier Place off campus.