A draft of the strategic master plan, Planning for Possibilities (PDF), was released last month without fanfare:

The document contains a lot to talk about. Commentary here will be forthcoming, but for now the key word is Arboretum. More information from the Strategic Planning Team is available on the Presentations page, and Director of Campus Planning Joanna Whitcomb will be giving an on-line presentation on November 11 at 7pm (register).
[Update 11.11.2020: The plan was presented to the Trustees’ Master Planning & Facilities Subcommittee in August (cached page), and a short version of that presentation is available in PDF. That document shows some interesting Sasaki renderings of a Choates addition and the Crosby Street dorm that did not make it into the current plan. The current draft plan, along with an audio slide deck from May, were released on the Presentations page ahead of the November Trustees’ meeting, and the Board approved the master plan last week (Dartmouth News).]
Suggestions for DMS labs Remsen and Vail to become undergrad housing. Wow. I suppose it’s only fair that undergrads also be tortured by the unfortunate brutalist architecture of those buildings.
“New limited-access roadway for shuttles, emergency vehicles, and bicycles connecting Sachem Village and DHMC”
Finally, a proposal to take a 4.5 mile heavily congested drive and make it into a 0.6 mile shuttle. About time.