Site update — now a blog

A method of categorizing and speeding news posts has been added to the site.   Each existing monthly post was edited slightly and backdated to the 28th of the month in which it originally was posted, with those posted before November 2000 given approximate dates.   Future posts will probably remain short enough to appear fully on this page.

[Updated February 14, 2005.]

Tuck Mall dorm model

Atkin Olshin Lawson-Bell, designers of the Collis Center addition and McCulloch Hall, have posted photo of a model of the future Tuck Mall Dormitory. The building will stand atop the short street that connects Webster Avenue to Tuck Drive and will include a faculty apartment.

The Sudikoff addition, designed by Fleck & Lewis Architects of Hanover and built by Engelberth Construction, is in progress and at this point looks rather more like a New England clapboard than the building to which it is attached.