Faculty housing on South Park

To little fanfare online, a frame housing complex opposite the gym at the southeast corner of Wheelock and Park has opened. The ensemble is arrayed around a central parking area/commons and features an arched corner gateway building.

[Update 05.16.2005: This post originally attributed the complex to Dartmouth, though current maps imply that the school does not own it.]

[Update 01.22.2011: The project is one of Dartmouth’s.]

North Campus competition

The College has held a multi-firm competition for a master plan for the north part of campus, selecting Moore Ruble Yudell, partnered with Bruner/Cott & Associates of Boston (Laurel Stavis and Tamara Steinert “Architect for north-end buildings selected,” Vox 20, Issue 5 [13 August 2001], 1, 4.
All competitors’ presentation boards and models for the proposed $75m expansion are displayed in the mezzanine of Webster Hall.