Declining endowment returns (see Dartmouth Alumni Magazine November/December 2001) may be putting on hold the plans by Atkin, Olshin, Lawson-Bell for the new dormitory on Tuck Mall.
Category Archives: all news
Views added
Five new views added, including an image of the Tri-Kap House that stood on Silsby’s site, and two College Hall interiors.
Rugby Clubhouse planned for Sachem
The College has revised the Rugby Clubhouse plan as part of a Planned Unit Recreational Development at Sachem Field, as The Dartmouth reported.
Construction ongoing, Carson Hall
Construction (including Carson Hall) presses forward, The Dartmouth reports.
Faculty housing on South Park
To little fanfare online, a frame housing complex opposite the gym at the southeast corner of Wheelock and Park has opened. The ensemble is arrayed around a central parking area/commons and features an arched corner gateway building.
[Update 05.16.2005: This post originally attributed the complex to Dartmouth, though current maps imply that the school does not own it.]
[Update 01.22.2011: The project is one of Dartmouth’s.]
North Campus competition
The College has held a multi-firm competition for a master plan for the north part of campus, selecting Moore Ruble Yudell, partnered with Bruner/Cott & Associates of Boston (Laurel Stavis and Tamara Steinert “Architect for north-end buildings selected,” Vox 20, Issue 5 [13 August 2001], 1, 4.
All competitors’ presentation boards and models for the proposed $75m expansion are displayed in the mezzanine of Webster Hall.
Rugby Clubhouse blocked at Sachem
The Town of Lebanon has blocked an application for construction of the Corey Ford Rugby Clubhouse, The Dartmouth reports.
Zoning changes proposed
An Environmental Studies class recommends changes to zoning in Hanover, as described in a press release.
Tuck Mall dorm architects
The firm of Atkin, Olshin, Lawson-Bell (designers of the Collis renovation and McCulloch Hall) is designing the new Tuck Mall dormitory (to be completed ca. 2003) The Dartmouth reports.
Hanover High sale discussions
Guide to memorials on campus
Charles Wood’s new guide to memorials on the campus is described in a press release.
Brudage Lodge demolished
After the old one was demolished, the new lodge is open at the Skiway, the Skiway site announces.
Site updates, Fred W. Wentworth
Views added
Four new views added, including views of Leverone Field House and Mt. Washington.
Kiewit demolition
Baker-Berry project continues: Kiewit’s demolition is underway as noted in the College’s Berry news updates and photos by Sean Dunten of Computing Services.
Expansion articles
Two pieces on expansion in the January 29, 2001 Dartmouth Review: “It’s Not Such a Small College Anymore” and the text of an email, “Chan’s Conservative Master Plan.”.
Views added
Twenty-three new views added, including twenty-one images of snow sculptures.
Planning article
The Dartmouth has an article on current campus planning.