New Hampshire College: The Land-Grant School in Hanover posted.
Category Archives: all news
Thel Controversy article posted
The Thel Controversy posted.
Site updates, views
Hopland essay posted
Hopland essay removed from Rants & Schemes and posted on its own.
A history of Tuck Hall (McNutt) posted in Rich appendix. [Update: the information has since been removed.]
Images links added
Links to Jonathan Good’s Dartmothiana added. [Update: the information has since been removed.]
Links to historic photographs of the campus from the Library of Congress American Memory site added to Views of Dartmouth College.
Beta info posted
A history of the original Beta Theta Pi House (Fairbanks South/Tucker Foundation) posted in Rich appendix. [Update: the information has since been removed.]
Berry Library
The big project is the Berry Library by Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates and Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson & Abbott (live construction) going in behind Baker, the school announced.
Whittemore Hall
The new Tuck School dormitory by Goody, Clancy & Associates, called Whittemore Hall (live construction), will be ready behind Murdough in 2001, the Tuck School announced.
Centerbrook proposals
Centerbrook presents student life and athletics proposals (connect Collis to Thayer?) The Dartmouth reports.
[Update 11.10.2012: Broken link fixed.]
Unbuilt buildings of the early 1900s
A history of the unexecuted Chemistry Laboratory posted in Rich appendix. [Update: the information has since been removed.]
A history of the unexecuted “Hillside” Dormitory posted in Rich appendix. [Update: the information has since been removed.]
A history of Robinson Hall posted in Rich appendix. [Update: the information has since been removed.]
Site redesign; Farewell to MHMH
This page redesigned
Farewell to the Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital posted.
Tennis and Turf
The new Tennis and Turf project is to be finished by September 2000, the school announced.
Plea for the Shower Towers
A Plea for the Shower Towers (removed from Berry essay) posted.
Introductory pages for DArch and “Notes toward a Catalog.” redesigned.
Halls, Tombs and Houses posted
John Russell Pope images posted
Exhibit of John Russell Pope’s Master Plan for Dartmouth posted.
Charter posted
Text of Dartmouth’s Charter with notes posted.
Building info added
History of Spaulding Pool added to Rich appendix. [Update: the information has since been removed.]
Response form added. [Update: the information has since been removed.]
Site updates
Rewrite of “Notes toward a Catalog.” complete, new information awaits.
New links added.
Views of Dartmouth College posted. [Update: the information has since been moved to Views of Dartmouth College.]
N.H. Historical Society, N.H. Division of Historic Resources links added.