Planning office renamed

Football history

Errata for the first page of the enjoyable Dartmouth College Football: Green Fields of Autumn by David Shribman and Jack DeGange (page 10):

  1. “Old Division,” later known as “Whole Division,” was Dartmouth’s distinctive football game in the mid-19th century.
    Should read:
    “Old Division,” later known as “Whole Division,” was Dartmouth’s distinctive soccer-style game by the mid-19th century.

  2. The “field,” originally the entire campus, was later narrowed to “the college yard,” now the Green.
    Should read:
    The field was the Green.

  3. The buildings in the background of this photograph (including the Church of Christ) that had not already been moved or replaced were relocated from the north end of the Green when Baker Library was built in the 1920s
    Should read:
    The houses in the background of this photograph were relocated from the north end of the Green before Baker Library was built in the 1920s, and the Church of Christ burned down in 1931.

The first and last notes are merely pickiness regarding imprecisions (though the implication that Old Division was related to American Football would be inaccurate). The second note deserves some clarification. The College Yard was and is east of the Green, between College Street and Dartmouth Hall. The “Campus,” of course, was what’s now called the Green.

Rollins window controversy, myth

College Chaplain Rev. Richard Crocker expects the stained glass windows in Rollins to be repaired beginning during the summer of 2006 according to an interview in the Dartmouth Review.   The Review also prints Kale Bongers’ historically-minded editorial supporting the restoration.

In his interview, Rev. Crocker related with qualifications the story that the Rollins altar was moved back to the east end during the 1960s and that the sun that shone through the apse windows into the eyes of the audience as a result was part of the reason the school covered the windows.   The pulpit or lectern had been moved to the southeast corner of the crossing in 1912 when the transepts were lengthened and effectively made into a new nave (the hillside blocked any more expansion to the east).

Dog regulations

Dogs really are allowed to sit in on lectures.   According to the Dartmouth Administrative Guide, non-messy dogs are allowed in non-dormitory buildings if they are in the care of a keeper.   The regulation does not mention dogs that run free and are not “creating a nuisance.”

[Update 11.10.2012: Broken links to DAG removed.]

Projects underway

The Review has posted its latest issue, which includes a list of projects underway, some stats for the north campus, and a thoughtful article on the new construction by Joseph Rago, who quotes Dean Redman on the planning of the new dorms north of Maynard: “We learned from our mistakes in East Wheelock[.]”

Remember, you heard about the “mini-mansard” here first!   (Actually, mini-mansard is probably not the right word, since the roof does not slope at the gable ends: perhaps it is a cryptogambrel?)

Facilities plan released

The facilities plan, “Dartmouth and the Upper Valley:A Special College and a Special Place” is on line and describes several interesting projects apparently not yet settled on, most notably a A “Commons House” behind Dartmouth Row that will provide social spaces.   Others include the renovation of Thayer Dining Hall for social and performance spaces; a Tuck residence hall adjacent Whittemore; 145 residential units in Grasse Road faculty/staff housing; 200 apartment units in Rivercrest, north of campus; and a parking garage south of Cummings for 750+ cars.

Campus Guide

Princeton Architectural Press will be publishing a Senior Lecturer‘s Dartmouth Campus Guide, with photos by college photographer Joseph Mehling: at Amazon during February.

[Updated 07.12.2005: The press since has withdrawn plans to publish the text, and it appears in the out-of-stock list of Princeton Architectural Press.]

[Updated 07.30.2006: The press states that the book has been canceled.]

[Updated 11.17.2007: The press will publish a campus guide in 2008.

[Updated 06.29.2008: Dartmouth College: The Campus Guide was published on June 1.]